Episode 6514

Lassiters complex
Summer and Bradley are discussing how to present an article to present the story they want to. They sit at a table outside Charlie’s. Bradley orders a beer from Pierce (aka Psychowaiter, who cut up Sonya’s card). Summer orders a Shiraz ’05. Pierce asks her for ID. Summer says that she’s a regular, and she’s 19. Pierce says that he still needs to see her ID. Bradley offers to show Pierce his ID. He rolls his eyes, by which time Summer has found her ID. He takes her order and goes off. Such charm!

Summer and Bradley come in, and he says she doesn’t have to order from the kids’ menu. Tash and Chris are sitting at the bar. Chris says they (Summer and Bradley) look weird together. Chris isn’t sure he’s Summer’s type. Tash thinks they should give him a chance. They go over to Summer and Bradley’s table and they greet each other rather awkwardly. Tash is surprised that Summer is drinking wine.
Bradley is telling Summer about a deal he made, while Summer is distracted by Tash and Chris are throwing bottle tops into glasses in the background. Summer suggests they go somewhere quieter but Bradley’s says he’s fine, and adds that Summer seems a bit tense.
Bradley tells her the age thing doesn’t have to be a big deal and that he’d want to see her if she was 19 or 90. He suggests they go and hang out with Tash and Chris because they’re having a good time. Summer is not enthusiastic.
Bradley is talking about Dave Grohl from Nirvana. Tash and Chris are dubious that they were the first band he liked. Bradley says he liked Wa Wa Nee. This means nothing to them, but they insist he tells them more about the 80s. So he tells them he used to play the game they were playing previously at uni.
They agree to a game, and Bradley suggests that if they miss the glass, they have to do a challenge.

Outside Charlie’s
Bradley and Summer are dancing while Chris keeps time with the bell he stole earlier. Tash comes out and tells Chris not to let Andrew see the bell. Summer tells Tash they went to a bar with salsa dancing and she’s going to take salsa lessons, although she’s good already, which Bradley is dubious about. She asks where they are going next. Chris and Tash tease her about staying up. Tash says she’s tired because Andrew’s been yelling at her all day. Summer says she can’t believe Andrew kicked them out. Tash says that Paul is on his case. Chris says he’s going too. When they are alone, Bradley asks Summer if she wants to go to a club or a bar. She says maybe… and kisses him.

Since they can’t go to Summer’s place, Bradley suggests his place. Summer pulls out her Erinsborough News ID card. Bradley tells her that’s really immature.

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They come into the office, kissing, when Summer suddenly remembers the alarm, and goes to key in the code.
Summer giggles. A light on the alarm keypad is flashing.

No 28
There’s a picture of Machu Picchu on the computer screen. Susan says it’s amazing. The next photo is of Karl in a Peruvian hat. Susan laughs at his fashion choice, but Karl says it was freezing! Susan sighs and says she’d love to go. Karl says she should, but she doesn’t think she’d be confident enough to go alone. Tash comes in and Karl asks her about work. She tells him that she hung out with Bradley, who’s OK for an older guy. Susan asks if Summer was there. Tash tells them not to expect her home anytime soon. Susan’s phone rings.

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Bradley and Summer decide on Summer’s desk as the alarm continues to flash.
Bradley and Summer are just about to TITTNL™.