Episode 6509

Susan’s flat
Susan pours herself a glass of wine. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Bradley, who apologises for coming around so late, but says he had to see her. He says he’s in an awkward situation with someone at work. Susan tries to put him off, but he says he’s attracted to her. Susan suggests that he’s confused. He doesn’t think so and walks towards her. She tells him it can’t happen and it’s completely inappropriate. He says he doesn’t care how it looks, or what anyone else thinks. He wants to be with her. He leans in to kiss her, she gasps… and wakes up clutching her cushion. She picks up her phone, and leaves a message on Bradley’s voicemail. Sounding a bit flustered, she arranges a meeting for 10am the following morning, saying there are things to discuss.

Erinsborough News
Susan comes into her office (at 9.55) to find Bradley sitting there. He says her message sounded serious. He asks why she was up so late, so she says she couldn’t sleep. He recommends a hot toddy, and promises to make her one sometime, but she turns him down. He asks what she wanted to discuss. She asks how he’s settling in. He says fine, but adds that he thought they weren’t doing a review. She wonders if he wants to discuss any issues, and asks if he’s enjoying working there. He says he loves it.

She frowns and says they take pride in their professionalism. Bradley says that’s one reason he wanted the job. Susan adds that he’s very charming. But employees must remain professional and no- one must be made uncomfortable. Bradley looks puzzled, and asks if there’s a problem with his conduct, or whether someone has said something about his professionalism. Susan admits that no- one has. She asks if he had anything to say to her. He asks if anyone had seen anything… She asks what they might have seen. He says there’s nothing. She presses him a bit more, but he says everything’s fine. She ends the meeting, saying if he ever wants to discuss anything, he should let her know. He agrees and leaves. She looks disconcerted.

Outside Harold’s
Summer is at a table and Bradley comes to join her. She tells him she enjoyed last night and he agrees. She suggests they go and see the movie tonight. He frowns slightly, so Summer assumes it was a once- off. He says he wants to see her again. She’s pleased, but he’s looking round the complex. She asks what’s wrong, and he asks her to come with him.

Priya tells Susan she has to shut Bradley down asap. Susan says she tried, but he got a bit tense. She adds that she doesn’t want to make things awkward. She hopes that he got the message and he’ll back off. Priya asks if she actually told him that, and Susan says not in so many words…

Lassiters complex
Bradley tells Summer he’s not backing off, but he thinks they should tell Susan. Summer doesn’t want to, but he says he thinks she already knows, since she had lectured him about professionalim earlier. He adds that he’d have to drop the mentorship as it would be inappropriate. They have to be professional. Summer agrees. Bradley promises to tells Susan, after which he’ll be free to see Summer. Summer asks if it’s a date tonight and Bradley says yes. They kiss.

Priya tells Susan that Bradley won’t ignore his feelings. Susan has to tell him it can’t happen. Susan looks determined.

Susan and Bradley meet up, and say at the same time that they want to talk about something. She tells him to go first. He says he wants to pull out of his mentorship with Summer. She says she’ll find someone else. He says he assumes she knows about him and Summer: that’s why he got the chat about professionalism earlier. Susan agrees that it was. Bradley assures her that it only started the previous evening. He apologises for not telling her earlier, but he wanted to tell Summer first. Susan thanks him for being open. Bradley is pleased she’s been so understanding and leaves. Susan winces.

Susan is standing by the bar. Summer comes up and says she got her message. Susan tells her she’s meeting Priya for dinner, and invites Summer to join them. Summer declines, saying she’s going out. Susan invites her to sit down. Summer says that Bradley told her he spoke to Susan. She assures Susan it isn’t going to affect her work – the paper is very important to her. Susan interrupts and says that’s not what she’s worried about. She presumes it’s not too serious yet. Summer says she likes him, and they’re going to the movies and will see what happens. Susan says that Bradley is very charming, but the age gap means he has more life experience. Summer asks what Susan means. Susan tells her to be careful. Summer says she should judge someone she doesn’t even know. Susan says she’s just looking out for her. Summer says she can look out for herself – she’s not a kid.

Susan asks Summer if she’s considered why Bradley is interested in a 19 year old. She warns her to think carefully before she commits. Summer is annoyed and says she has to go. Susan realises that it didn’t go well.

Outside the Erinsborough News
Bradley asks Summer if she prefers popcorn or lollies. He gets no answer. Then Summer explains that Susan spoke to her earlier. Bradley asks what she said, and Summer says Susan thought they shouldn’t be seeing each other. Bradley asks what Summer thinks.