Episode 6493

Summer continues to stalk Bradley Fox on her laptop, while Chris polishes off her breakfast. Summer’s impressed by the geographic scope of Bradley’s work, and the fact that he has his own wiki page. Taking a peek at the screen, Chris opines that Bradley is hot, and suggests that’s why Summer’s stalking him.

Summer has bought Bradley a double espresso and is embarrassed when he soon twigs that she’s been stalking him – Bradley tells her not to take too much notice of his wiki page. Summer compliments Bradley on his writing style, particularly an article he wrote about tsunami victims. His next big scoop, however, is a story about the school VET programme, with none other than Lucas! Surprised to learn Summer knows Lucas, Bradley suggests she come along with him to help break the ice.

Summer and Bradley arrive for the interview with Lucas, and Bradley is also introduced to Lou. Bradley conducts a short interview, taking no notes, while Summer scribbles furiously throughout.

Summer and Bradley stop off for a drink; Summer ruthlessly interrogates him about his interview style, expressing surprise that he didn’t ask Lucas more questions or take any notes. Bradley says his method is unorthodox, but that it works for him. Summer’s still sceptical that he can write a full story with so little information, so Bradley asks her to prove him wrong: Summer can go back and ask Lucas more questions, then they’ll each go away and write the story in their own way, and compare their results.

Summer and Bradley compare their finished stories; Summer quickly realises that Bradley’s is far superior. He tells her she’s covered all the basics and that her instincts are good – but that her work needs more humanity. Bradley says this will come with time, and offers to share his byline with her due to all the work she’s done on the story. Summer thanks him, clearly impressed.

Summer shows off her byline to Lucas and Chris, but admits it’s really Bradley’s work. Lucas seems pleased with the way the article’s been written and how he’s come across, despite heavy teasing by Chris, who’s particularly amused to find that Lucas referred to him as his star pupil.

Impressed, Lucas asks Summer to tell Bradley his first service at the garage will be on the house.