Episode 6510

Erinsborough News
Bradley and Summer come into the office all flirtatious, and almost kiss before realising Susan is nearby. Summer tells Susan something work- related but meets with a cold reaction; so she follows Susan into her office. Summer says she appreciates Susan’s concern about Bradley, but says she can make her own decisions. Susan says she understands that, but they’re interrupted by Bradley before she can say anymore.

Outside, Karl runs into Susan having her coffee, and she tells him that Summer and Bradley are seeing one another romantically. Karl is concerned and enquires as to whether Susan could sack Bradley – but she says she has no grounds for doing that as they’re both adults. Susan’s worried about what Lyn will say, and asks Karl if he could talk to Summer. He’s worried it’ll make things awkward at home, but Susan tells him it’ll be even worse if she starts bringing Bradley home.

Summer and Bradley are just about to kiss when Karl walks in, ostensibly wanting to know if she wants anything defrosting for dinner. He quickly introduces himself to Bradley, but Summer soon realises what Karl’s up to and tries to get rid of him. Oblivious, Karl orders a coffee and begins to interrogate Bradley about his past. Bradley regales him with tales of his adventures, while Summer quickly gets fed up and goes to pay the bill. While she’s away, Karl demands to know what Bradley is playing at going out with a nineteen- year- old. Bradley tells him he and Susan are both underestimating Summer – he argues that she’s smart, strong and capable, meaning the age difference doesn’t matter. He doesn’t have an ex- wife or kids, he says, so there’s no baggage; he’s not going to apologise for liking Summer. When she returns, Karl shakes hands with Bradley and says they must have him over for dinner some time.