Episode 6508

Erinsborough News

Later, Summer watches from her desk as Susan has a meeting with Bradley. He compliments Susan on her top, and she looks uncomfortable, before telling him she’s been thinking of developing some of the younger staff. Summer comes in to join the meeting, and Susan volunteers Bradley to be her mentor for two days a week. Bradley’s not sure it’s a good fit, but Susan thinks their differing styles will complement each other and maybe help both of them. Summer’s thrilled, and she and Bradley go for coffee to discuss where they should start.

Summer has already prepared a list of areas she could improve in, and some examples to show him – but Bradley immediately takes her piece of paper and screws it up, saying he doesn’t like lists. Undeterred, Summer asks if Bradley could set her some practice articles to work on. He tells her they won’t help, but that she could perhaps start by loosening up a bit as her approach is too structured. Summer goes on the defensive, but Bradley tells her to trust her gut more – and that if they’re going to do this, he doesn’t want her writing any lists, timetables or homework.

Summer says she does have a life; tonight, for example, she’s going to the trivia evening at Charlie’s. Spontaneously, she asks him to come along, and he quickly agrees. Summer smiles as she sips her coffee.

trivia night;

Summer and Bradley come in just after the first question. Summer introduces Bradley to Chris, and the quiz continues.

Back inside, the quiz continues. Summer excels on a music question, explaining to Bradley about her time at the Boarding School for the Musically Gifted. She explains she was kicked out when she staged a protest, and Bradley says this is what she needs to tap into to become a better journalist.

Vanessa is disappointed that Susan has covered up her top with a cardigan, but Susan says it was inappropriate for the workplace – adding that Bradley made a flattering comment about it. Susan is shocked when Vanessa puts the idea in her head that Bradley probably wasn’t complimenting her clothes.

Summer has the answer to a maths question, as she and Bradley continue to get on well. He tells her he’s going next door to get a coffee as he won’t get served in here.

Susan is alarmed to see Bradley come in. He sits down, and asks her to come and join him and Summer in the quiz – but having taken Vanessa’s words on board, she quickly declines and says she’ll see him tomorrow. Vanessa comes over and is convinced that she’s witnessed Bradley asking Susan out. But Susan denies it, saying he was just being friendly and that he can’t possibly be attracted to her. Vanessa isn’t convinced and Susan starts to doubt her own assertions.

Bradley rejoins Summer – he’s convinced they’re going to win the quiz and says they make a good team. Summer smiles.

Taking Bradley’s advice about loosening up to heart, Summer downs her wine and makes her way to the stage! She’s the only volunteer so asks if she wins by default – but Tash says she’s not getting away without dancing. The music comes on and Summer starts boogieing away, to rapturous applause. Bradley is amused and impressed, as Tash announces that Sum and Bradley are the winners of the trivia night.

Lassiter’s Complex
Outside, Summer and Bradley celebrate their win; they’ve been awarded with a pair of cinema tickets for her troubles. Bradley admits he was impressed with Summer’s spontaneity, and says that following her instincts in that way will make her a better journalist. She walks him to his car. They both agree that the evening was fun, and he kisses her on the cheek; but new, spontaneous Summer grabs him and kisses him on the lips! She starts to apologise but he stops her, and they fall into a passionate embrace!