Episode 6503

Summer watches Bradley playing pool; she’s still looking sheepish. Tash arrives for work; Summer fills her in on the story so far regarding Bradley giving her article idea to Howard to write up, and Summer telling Susan that Bradley had been paraphrasing his quotes. Tash suggests Summer could apologise, but she says she’s already tried; and Summer leaves, passing Susan on the way in.

Susan speaks to Bradley about Summer; he tells her they’ve sorted things out, and that he understands the situation from Summer’s point of view. Susan admits Summer still has much to learn. She asks Bradley if he wouldn’t mind being on call, as she has to get to a class she’s started (she doesn’t mention which one). He tells her to enjoy it.

Susan comes in and finds Summer working on her laptop. She asks if Bradley was right about them having sorted out their argument; Summer says Bradley would have preferred her to talk to him first, but Susan says Summer can always come to her, and that she’s sure Bradley won’t hold a grudge.

Community Centre (outside)
Susan has finished her class, and runs into Bradley. He apologises for turning up in the middle of the class before, but it’s all a bit awkward. Bradley tells Susan there’s nothing wrong with her doing pole- dancing; she says she knows, but that it’s personal, and she wants to keep it that way. Bradley tells her that the reason he turned up was that he’s writing a story on pole- dancing, which is apparently becoming a bit of a craze as a means of getting fit. He says lots of women are doing it, and that she shouldn’t be embarrassed. He offers to pitch the story to her over a drink, and she agrees.

Susan and Bradley get drinks and a table, as they continue to talk about the pole- dancing. She admits that the class is a lot of fun and great exercise. Bradley convinces her to let him do the article, on the condition that no names are mentioned.

Later still, Susan and Bradley are still drinking when Summer comes in. She apologises to Bradley for how she behaved earlier, and admits she should have come to him before speaking to Susan. Bradley accepts her apology, on one condition: that they only discuss any future problems during work hours! Summer happily agrees and apologises again, but he tells her to stop saying sorry. Summer asks what Susan’s been up to, and she says she’s been doing a dance class at the community centre (without saying which). Bradley jokes that he’s thinking of signing up for it, but Susan says he wouldn’t be able to keep up. Summer looks mildly uncomfortable as Susan and Bradley joke with one another, and makes an excuse to leave.

No 28
Summer returns with takeaway from Charlie’s, and tells Tash how she ran into Susan and Bradley and sorted everything out. Summer mentions how weird it was to see Susan and Bradley drinking together, and how it was as if they had a private conversation going on. She asks Tash if she thinks Bradley could have a thing for Susan, but Tash just teases Summer for going on about Bradley again. Summer denies being obsessed with him, but Tash insists she talks about him constantly – and that the idea he’d have a thing for Susan is ridiculous. Summer denies she has a thing for Bradley herself, but Tash doesn’t believe her.