Episode 4: The Smoking Gun

After intense questioning of Lance Corporal Karen Parker, suspicion only seems to mount as it’s revealed that Todd had defrauded her CO, Major Simon Hamilton. The Royal Commission questions Hamilton, but he denies owning a Ferrari, and also refuses to say where he was on the night Todd was killed.

But further investigation by the Commission uncovers that Todd didn’t just steal Simon’s credit card details, he stole his whole identity, which he then used to purchase the Ferrari. Though it does account for the bag of cash he had with him when he died, frustratingly, the car deal doesn’t seem to explain why he was killed.

Meanwhile, in order to strengthen her claim to Ash’s embryo, Janet tries to persuade the sperm donor, Tim Dolan, to support her. But in court Tim refuses to consent to either Janet or Deborah having the embryo, and says he wants it destroyed.

Sergeant Bianca Grieve goes undercover to make contact with Felix and manages to score a date with him. But their meeting is compromised when Richard and Keisha arrive at the same bar.

As suspicion of Simon Hamilton continues to mount, they receive a customs alert from Port Botany to say a container in his name is about to arrive. Expecting to find a cache of drugs, Janet and the team race to the docks, but when they open the container they discover a shipment of Zodiac PT92 semi-automatic handguns.