Outrageous Fortune

The thrid series of Outrgeous Fortune sees West family matriach Cheryl still baatling to keep her family (and herself) on the straight and narrow. Both the men in her life are inside – Wolf after turning himself into the cops as part of his master plan to frame Judd, Judd because he fell in Love with the wrong Woman –  Wolf’s woman.

As Cheryl ploughs on regardless, balancing the needs of family with those of Hoochie Mama, her onburgeoing naughty knicker business, her offspring are going their own merry ways. Van is still managing the lucky dollar store and planning his dream wedding with Aurora. Jethro is branching out from defending the scum of the earth (and his family) to working for property developer Gary Savage –  whether this is a step in the right direction remains tob e seen. Pascalle is enthusiastically embracing both her new-found vocation in caring fort he elderly and her new-found love for DR Bruce Khan – although this whole ‘I’m a virgin, let’s wait untill we get married thing’ has some major drawbacks, especially for a girl like Pascalle. Loretta is happily ensconced with her older man, Hayden, and is gleefully plotting her directorial debut, helming the next great erotic film, especially for women.

So apart from Cheryl, struggling to make ends meet and to get Judd out of Prison, there is happiness all around. But that state of affairs will not be allowed to continue….