Epsiode 6524

Bradley is pouring out a glass of wine. He covers Summer’s eyes and tells her to taste the wine and tell him what it is. She thinks he isn’t serious, but he says he takes wine tasting very seriously, so she takes a sip and says it’s a Pinot from 2007. Bradley is impressed. Summer admits she saw the bottle! He says she has a good eye for detail. She says that they should take Monday off, so they can have a long weekend. He adds they are going to the Yarra Valley.

At a nearby table, Karl is looking at the menu and Susan is watching Bradley and Summer. She says how loved- up they are looking. Karl ruefully comments that at least someone got lucky. He says he’s happy for her. Susan says she wants to be happy for her. Karl tells her to let it go, and BE happy. Susan says she doesn’t know if she made the right decision letting Bradley stay. Karl says it’s none of their business. She says she thought he was worried. He says he is, but Summer is a big girl, and if she gets hurt, she gets hurt.

Erinsborough News
Summer comes into the office and overhears Susan talking on the phone, clearly talking about Bradley. Susan tells the person that he’s a terrific editor and that he gets results. She notices that Summer appears to be listening in, so she closes her office door.

Summer comes over to where Bradley is sitting and suggests they get tickets for the (tennis) Australian Open. He points out it isn’t until January. She asks if he’s looking for another job. He says no: he’s found one. In Perth. She asks why he didn’t tell her and he says he just found out. She asks when he’s leaving. He tells her that Susan reprimanded him over what happened. She asks if that’s why he’s leaving: because he clashed with Susan. He refutes this: he never stays in the same place for long. Summer is a bit upset, and wonders if they’re still going away. Bradley says of course they are.

Lassiters complex
Summer asks Bradley if he is leaving because of her: she tells him that if he wants to break up, he doesn’t have to go to Perth. He says he doesn’t want to break up, but the job is a great opportunity. She wants to know where it leaves her, and he says she should do the same: she should always look for opportunities. She’s not sure she could get work in Perth, but he assures her she would.

BRADLEY: Take a risk, Summer. You only live once.

They kiss, and Summer looks excited.

Erinsborough News
Bradley hands Susan an envelope. She guesses, correctly, that it’s his resignation. He says he’s giving two weekss notice, as per his contract. She says coldly that he begged her for the job, and he says that’s not how he remembered it. She points out he’s worked there one month: it was a waste of time and resource, and exactly what she expected. They’ll pay him, but not to bother about the two weeks: he should just move on straightaway. As he turns to leave, she asks if he’s told Summer. He says he has. Susan asks how she took it. He says it’s none of Susan’s business, but Summer took it well. Susan looks at the envelope with Bradley’s resignation and stuffs it in a drawer without reading it.

No 32
Summer is looking at a picture of her and Bradley on her laptop. Then we see she is writing a resignation letter.

Outside the Erinsborough News
Bradley is leaving the office with a box of his possessions, and meets Summer coming the other way. She asks him when he’s leaving, and he tells her he’s leaving tomorrow. He apologises that he can’t make the Yarra Valley weekend, but says she should take some mates and send him the photos. She replies that they could trade it in for the Margaret River. She’s going to stop making lists and start ticking things off, and she thanks him for his encouragement. She tells him she’s going to tells Susan asap.

She says she needs a change and Perth is as good as anywhere. He says it’s great news. They hug.