His full name...

Aaron Charles Jeffery


He was born on

augustus 25th 1969

He grew up in




1,96m/6.4 ft

tall is

He has 1 brother

and his name is Dean; who is 5 years younger

and 1 sister

named Nicola; who is 1 year younger

He played basketball at school

were he got a scholarship for that.

He left school at the age of 15

His nickname Torch Striker was.

Other nicknames are Aza, Big fella of Big Guy.

He played the bass

in a band called 'The Virgin Silk Worms'

He moved to Australia

when he was 18 years old.

His first job as

a bouncer on Kings Cross was.

Hij studied Theology.

He has 1 tattoo.

this is the torch of Bacchanalia with his year of birth in Roman numbers

and it's on his left upper arm.

He became a dad for the first time in August 2003,

when his daughter Ella-Blu was born, with ex-wife Melinda.

He had plastic surgery

after an incident on set.

He has his divers lisence.

Hije dreamed about beeing an dolphin

and after that was offered the rol of Terry Watson in Water Rats.

Hij dreamed of running horses in the Outback

till someone mentioned the auditions for McLeod's Daughters.

He is in an relationship with Zoe Naylor.

In june of 2012 their daughter Sophia Jade was born.

In may of 2016 their son Beau Charles was born.

He a volunteer is at the 'RFS' (fire department).

He helped fighting the fires during of the fire blaze of 2019.

He also helped cleaning up after the floods of 2022.

They have several pets...

4 dogs; Loki, Charlie, Pipi en Coda of daughter Ella-Blu

3 cats; Mama Kass, Tom en Sox

2 horses; Samson en Beauty

Most of the pets are rescue animals.

He a qualified Holigrapih Kinetics practioner is.

This is an ancient indiginous healing modality

which is created by Steve Richards.