Episode 1: Thy Will Be Done

Feared underworld figure Anthony Perish ran one of the biggest criminal enterprises on the eastern seaboard for over a decade. He was charismatic and utterly ruthless and lived according to his own rules. But despite his five-star lifestyle and criminal reputation he slipped completely under the radar. He left no trace. He had no identity. He was invisible. A ghost. Anthony Perish made just one mistake in his criminal career — and it was his bad luck that a remarkable cop, Gary Jubelin, was watching. Jubelin led Strike Force Tuno and spent ten years gathering the evidence that finally saw Perish brought to justice.

When a prisoner is abducted and murdered while on day-release, police embark on a massive man-hunt to find the killers. The 10-year investigation leads them to a ruthless underworld boss who is totally invisible to the police and the legitimate world.