Episode 6516

Erinsborough News
Susan summons Bradley to see her after she’s found out he lied to get the job and wants him to say why he left his last job. He explains that he stupidly got involved with the boss’ daughter, who was there for 2 weeks as an intern and when it got messy, it was suggested he seek alternative employment. Susan isn’t amused at him keeping quite although he claims it was personal so didn’t need to mention it at all. “Am I fired?” he asks but Susan doesn’t reply.

Number 28
Sum gives Karl the thumbs up when he finishes getting ready for a date (pity she’s used to her old man having horrid tastes in shirts!). He then subtly chats to her about the Bradley situation and that Susan has her best interests at heart.

She then swap places with the newly arrived home Tash, who doesn’t approve of his dress sense and wants to improve it, which he doesn’t want to happen! He fears his date (Olivia) is going to find out about the over- embellishment of his profile but she re- assures him that he can make it work. “I’m going to be honest with her upfront,” he says but Tash warns him not to – it might put her off!

Erinsborough News
Sum enters Susan’s office to apologise and thank her for her concern, but she will make her own choices even if Susan doesn’t agree with them. Susan admits that it’s the age gap that concerns her but Sum is okay with that because being open with each other is more important.

Susan then asks if he’s being honest with her and holds her tongue when Sum replies yes! Sum gushes about how much Bradley is helping her writing and changing subjects, invites Susan to a yoga class she is planning on attending and that Bernard isn’t teaching it!

Erinsborough News
Bradley explains more about what happened at his old job (he chose not to pursue a wrongful dismissal case) and why he kept quiet (two other ‘in the bag’ jobs not coming through when they found out the truth) but although Susan’s not exactly pleased with how he’s conducted himself, because his work is good she’s not going to fire him. “Don’t think I wasn’t tempted!” she warns though when he admits surprise but does give him a warning – no more lies or he’s out on his ear! She also adds in that she doesn’t want to see Summer hurt either.