Old School

People used to say growing old was a crime. Lennie and Ted are about to prove them wrong. Lennie Cahill, a retired criminal and Ted McCabe, a retired Cop, join forces to solve crimes, unravel scams and make some much-needed cash, while avoiding the wrath of the police and the underworld.

Together they are the proverbial ‘odd couple’ of crime solving – the cop is honest and the criminal is irreverent. However, they are bonded by a certain old school code and set of values. When a murder forces them to cooperate, they evolve in ways they never expected –  but their newfound lease of life comes at a price. With their reputations on the line and the lives of their families in jeopardy, they must decide which side of the law they are truly on.

Watch all 8-episodes of this odd couple crime series about growing old in a modern world, uninterrupted and back to back.